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Top 10 ChatGpt Prompts for Affiliate Marketing

September 16, 2024
JadveJadve Team

Affiliate marketing is very popular nowadays among many people who want to earn money online. Numerous website and social web page owners create promotions of goods and services, add links, and earn a commission for each sale that happens using the link. As there are numerous products and services you can promote online, you may use AI to simplify your job.

ChatGPT is artificial intelligence that analyzes the Internet for the best product niches, chooses products with the highest commission, helps create clickable content for promotion, creates numerous hints and ideas, and optimizes the whole affiliate marketing campaign. However, to use ChatGPT the most efficiently, you need to create prompts correctly.

In this article, we collected ten ChatGPT prompts that streamline your affiliate marketing campaign in different stages for each stage of your work. You can use all of them or only on some stages where you need support. ChatGPT uses natural language algorithms and machine learning to generate relevant results based on the whole knowledge of the Internet.

TOP 10 best prompts

The well-written prompt is key to receiving adequate and useful data from ChatGPT. That is why please do not neglect our advice; some of them are quite obvious. If you do not understand some points here, you can start using ChatGPT immediately by asking for an explanation. All points are listed in the order, the most common and recommended for the affiliate marketing campaign. However, ChatGPT can propose another path and suggest your general rules of affiliate marketing.

The general advice applicable to all prompts is:  You do not need to be too kind with a ChatGPT; your request should be clear, and your action should be shown clearly. The suggested verbs are - suggest, provide, list, identify, etc.

1. ChatGPT Prompts for Niche Research Prompts

All successful campaigns start from determining the product niche – a group of products with specialization, target audience, and competitive advantages. There are numerous product niches where affiliate marketing commissions are promising. Market analysis takes significant time so that AI will do the work for you. You can limit your choice to three- to ten product niches; do not ask to list more than ten to receive more detailed information. Our experience has shown that for two or three results, ChatGPT gives significantly more information with a detailed explanation of each niche's profitability, commissions, demand, etc., even if you do not indicate this in the request.

You can narrow the search at the beginning by indicating niches you have already experienced or known well (your blog, for example, is about beauty products). You can describe your abilities (beginner or advanced swimming suit seller), add the purpose of research (affiliate marketing) and much more. However, we do not recommend complicating your request by more than 10-15 words.  Based on the detailed information, you can make thoughtful choices.

To find your segment, we recommend the following prompts:

  • “Describe three product niches about women's accessories and beauty products.” image28.png

  • “List of the two most profitable niches for affiliate marketing”. image30.png

  • “Suggest five profitable product niches for beginners”. image29.png

  • “Identify current trending pet product niches in affiliate market”.


  • “Market performance per product niche for the last three years.”


If you want to analyze the market, you can make an even more specific request—“Market Performance in graphics per product niches for the last three years.” But ChatGPT does not provide visual information, only texts. Based on this, you can build charts yourself or imagine them.


You can organize your prompt with bullet points and ask to add to the description of product niches separately target demographics, market analysis, or competitors. We suggest analyzing products, not niches, in more detail with less information to consider.

2. ChatGPT Prompts for Exploring Trending Topics and Products

After you have identified the products that are suitable for your current business and active online product niches, you can dig further to find exact trending products and topics that are more suitable for affiliate marketing. You must be prepared that sometimes ChatGPT can provide general results that you need to specify by additional request or changing ChatGPT version (the most advanced versions are available after registration). Please remember that each time, ChatGPT generates different responses on each prompt, so if you do not like the result, copy the prompt and generate it again.

  • “List trending products in car seat accessories with affiliate programs.”


  • “Evaluate benefits of Amazon Associates program for robotic pool cleaners.”


  • “Show differences for sun lotion affiliate programs from most popular online marketplaces.”


  • “5 Best products from vitamins for bodybuilders niche for affiliate marketing.”


Do not forget the suggestions regarding product niches you have received with the first point of this article. As you see, the second prompt from the received result about niche could be the following:

  • “Top 3 proposal of affiliate marketing of eco-friendly beauty tools.”


It may happen that suggested products from the product niche are not familiar to you, and you can’t create promotional content for them; you can go back to point 1 for more niche suggestions. However, the further points of our preparation campaign also include prompts for creating content and other ideas.

3. ChatGPT Prompts for Analyzing Competition and Profitability

We recommend this point to numbers lovers who prefer real analytic data. You need to understand the provided results. Otherwise, these prompts will give you no useful information. Nevertheless, previous points one and two have already been given to you based on Internet analysis. So, you may choose to explore the competitive analysis and profitability or move forward. The requests to ChatGPT can relate to the competitive performance and their reputation, target audience, product demand, and sales potential. Such analytical data is related to the profitability of the niche and products you have chosen for affiliate marketing. With profitable products, it is easier to receive more commissions and clicks on your promotions. If ChatGPT does not understand your prompt, it will ask you confirmation questions.

We can propose the following requests:

  • “Eco-friendly brushes across different marketplaces from various brands.”
  • “Competitive a SWOT analysis for Brand A and Brand B.”
  • “Analyze target audience for fitness watch on Amazon.”


  • “Determine the three trending Brands of nutrition sales.”


  • “Evaluate market sizes of Product A on SaleHoo, Walmart, Amazon, and eBay.”

The metrics for product analysis are product quality, compatibility, features, functionality, pricing, marketing, traffic, customer reviews, promotion, positioning, revenue estimate, reputation, partnership, and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). ChatGPT can provide feedback on all metrics.

4. ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Suggestions for Blog Topics and Ads

Affiliate marketing, like other marketing, is more effective when you use relevant keywords. There are many tools to find keywords, such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer. All these tools give you keyword ideas, search volume, and competitive ideas. Most of the tools require a paid subscription. Free tools are available through Google Trends and related search, competitive analysis, online forums, and social media platforms. For more detailed research, you may use website analytics and SEO analytics. However, all these methods are complicated for beginners; for quick analysis of keywords, we propose using ChatGPT. You can request a prompt for topics and ads or widen the search for more areas where keywords are necessary.

  • You can even make a prompt – “Prompts for Keyword Suggestion for Blog Topics and Ads.”


You can also check analytics and how keywords impact conversion rate or ranking in search engines.

  • “Keywords impact on affiliate marketing of pet bowls.”


  • “Improve ads in affiliate marketing by adding relative keywords.”


  • “Proper keywords in ads and blogs for fitness watches.”


As mentioned before, ChatGPT can’t provide you with graphics, but you can ask for data and build graphics by yourself. We suggest seriously performing keyword analysis, as it results in significant organic traffic from search engines.

  • “Graphic chart of keyword popularity fitness watch and Smart Fitness Watch.”


5. ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation

The most complicated part of any marketing campaign is content creation. You need to take into account all analytics and data received in previous stages of the preparation campaign. ChatGPT can give you tons of ideas for your content – informative articles, comparison reviews, buying guides, how-to guides, troubleshooting, user stories, expert opinions, and trend analysis (you can ask ChatGPT to list the type of content for your product). All this content is more than welcome for affiliate marketing. You only need to ask ChatGPT for your product niche and trending products which one is better. ChatGPT can give you short descriptions, call-to-action, and headlines of your ad content. You can also focus on specific parts or dig into more details after receiving a first response.

That is why we suggest the following prompts:

  • “3 best ads content for fitness watch affiliate marketing campaign.”


  • “Engaging headlines for ads of golden rings in blogs about women’s accessories.”


  • “Create an ad content for a car set for Hyundai using the keyword – Best Korean Quality.”


  • “Best platform for marketing campaign with the headline - Headline: Upgrade Your Hyundai with the Best Korean Quality Car Seat Sets!”


  • “Create a set-up-guide for a Dolphin Pool Cleaner with a link for affiliate marketing.”


6. ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Promotional Ideas

Social Media is one of the best platforms for affiliate marketing, especially when you have a successful blog or web page. It may be a personal page or a business page (we recommend having a business page to have more possibilities to promote it through social media tools). You can make general requests or specify based on previous results.

  • “The trends in Facebook on promoting beauty vitamins.”


  • “Low-budget video ideas for TikTok for advertising low-fat milk for cats.”


  • “How to generate engaging posts on Instagram for Golden Ring promotion.”


  • “Which social media platform should be used for marketing robotic pool cleaners via a set-up guide?”


ChatGPT is like your professional friend, based on enormous data, who can help you consider or reject some ideas. For example, if you ask for ChatGPT posts, it even gives you popular hashtags and emojis.

  • “Generate sets of pots for Instagram with photo suggestions for marketing of fitness watches.”


7. ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing

Email marketing is a popular way of marketing campaigns where affiliate links could be inserted into a newsletter or promotional message if you have a large list of trusted email readers. If you do not have an email list yet, you can start to collect them for further use. Four popular ways are to ask for an email during registration (applicable only for websites), propose valuable content only per email or its provision for subscribers, and provide discounts or free shipping for orders made per credentials with an email address. You can estimate email campaign performance with ChatGPT or ask the tool to prepare email messages.

  • “How to make email marketing for silver necklace successful.”


  • “Generate email messages for affiliate marketing of silver necklace.”


  • “Suggest ways to increase subscribers list for email marketing.”


  • “Write a short affiliate marketing post about Vitamins of Brand A into an email for long-term subscribers.”
  • “Suggest trending themes of email campaigns about fitness watches.”


8. ChatGPT Prompts for Analyzing Performance and Optimization

After you have analyzed the market and prepared the campaign with engaging content, you can analyze its future performance using ChatGPT, whether you have an email, social media, or targeting ads campaign. You can finally go through tips and follow them or not.

  • “Optimization of social media posts for effective affiliate marketing campaigns of home electrical heaters.”


  • “Estimate the necessity of using keywords – warm and cozy - in email campaigns of home electrical heaters.”


  • “Compare profitability and engagement email and social media campaign for affiliate marketing for home electrical heaters.”


  • “Analyze website effectiveness for an affiliate marketing campaign.”


  • “Estimate affiliate revenue from smart watch marketing campaigns using engagement posts on Instagram.”


9. ChatGPT Prompts for Expanding Your Affiliate Marketing Business

If your affiliate campaign was successful, why not continue in this business? ChatGPT can help in this as well—identify potential growth areas, expand to other targeted audiences, develop your marketing channel, monetize your website with more affiliate links, and much more. You can identify other profitable product niches and products or change the platform with your current one or engaging method. However, if your first campaign does not reach the goal, you may try again. For all these tasks, you can create a prompt.

  • “How to expand the current affiliate email marketing campaign of home electrical heaters.”


  • “Identifying the target audience for smart watches apart from fitness lovers.”


  • “Develop new marketing campaigns for pet bowls based on successful campaigns on Instagram.”


  • “How to improve a YouTube channel about robotic pool cleaners for making affiliate marketing campaigns?”


  • “Recommendations for frequency of affiliate marketing campaigns for bloggers in TikTok.”


10. ChatGPT Prompts for Improving Customer Engagement and Retention

Here is our final recommendation for ChatGPT prompts, which are essential not only for any marketing campaign but also for the creation and maintenance of online blogs and websites with monetization. You may have less than one hundred subscribers, but with their high engagement, all sales and affiliate campaigns will be highly profitable. Another way of using these prompts is if you have unsuccessful marketing campaigns, unpopular content, and a long time without posts or new products, and you need to increase customer engagement and retention. The prompts cannot be connected only with affiliate marketing; you can make general prompts.

  • “Provide five ideas on how to increase customer engagement on the sneakers website.”


  • “How to recover from a failed affiliate campaign for a home electrical heater.”


  • “Customer retention rules for Instagram bloggers about home décor.”


  • “Develop a strategy of LinkedIn posting to increase reader engagement for the blog about dropshipping.”


  • “Trends engaging methods for improving profitability Social Media about robotic pool cleaners.”


Even though ChatGPT is a free tool and definitely is suggested for trying, it is not a solution for all problems. It can propose new ideas or optimize your current activities, but the generated responses are very generic for many fields, even if you specify your requests in detail. Moreover, suppose you copy and paste the content into your online blogs and websites. In that case, search engines (like Google) can analyze your content as AI-generated and exclude it from search results; you will lose a significant organic audience. So, it is absolutely necessary to read and analyze the results. The collaboration of the human mind and AI will give exceptional results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I need to adapt your suggested prompts to my product niches and products or copy and paste?

We consider the prompts collected in this article as an example, and better results will be generated if you insert your business details and figures. You can insert our prompts by putting the additional information in brackets.

  1. Which version of ChatGPT to use?

The latest version of every software is designed to be better and faster than the previous one. That means you need to use the latest available on the market. But some may be available only inside a paid subscription. In 2024, ChatGPT 4o is the most advanced and fastest version.

  1. How useful is ChatGPT-generated content for affiliate marketing?

ChatGPT is a powerful tool that depends on your prompts. It uses resources from the Internet, but not all of them are trustable. ChatGPT has a built-in security level, but we highly recommend checking and adjusting content if required.

  1. Where can I use ChatGPT apart from affiliate marketing campaigns?

It can be used for regular content creation, market research, customer support responses, email writing, ideas generation, data analysis, training and education, and much more.

  1. What other similar marketing campaign can be used to monetize my online business?

In addition to affiliate campaigns, you can collaborate with your partners in referral marketing campaigns. You need to advertise to your subscribers and readers to encourage them to purchase products and services.


Affiliate Marketing has many advantages, such as passive income without significant initial investment, flexibility in choosing product niches, and no limitations on your income. With ChatGPT, all campaigns will be flawless without a lot of time spent on preparing them. At all stages of planning and execution of your promotion, you can use ChatGPT to analyze AI for the best solutions. Honestly, there are no strict rules for ChatGPT prompts; you are free to ask all prompts and can do this for free. The purpose of this article is to streamline your prompts and minimize the number of iterations so that you receive a helpful result that will definitely lead you to a profitable affiliate marketing campaign. We organized the prompts per the main steps of the organization of the marketing campaign; we hope that you will find useful prompts and ideas to receive significant profit.

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