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Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts for Bloggers to Use

September 16, 2024
JadveJadve Team

One of the popular businesses online is blogging; with the wide expansion of social networks, almost everyone can become a blogger. It has become extremely popular over the last ten years and has numerous opportunities – affiliate marketing, monetization, sponsored content, and other methods of partnership. With minimum investment, you can become a personal, lifestyle, education, fitness, travel, food, political, DYI, or finance blogger (there are ten other types of bloggers). Blogging can easily transform from a hobby to a main source of income and a powerful platform of communication with millions of subscribers.

However, to gain such auditory you need to define your niche and target audience and create on a regular basis (at least several times per day) high-quality content with related video and photos (the type of text and media files depending on your platform), use proper hashtags and keywords for better navigation during the search, actively promote your blog, engage your subscribers with active communication with them and step-by-step build your brand with unique design and tone. As you can see, content creation is second in importance and one of the hardest tasks for all bloggers, as you need to be consistent and regular in your posting schedule. We can recommend the AI instrument ChatGPT for all bloggers, which cannot only be a content ideas helper but also optimize your blog for organic traffic.  

TOP 10 best prompts

You need to communicate with ChatGPT by prompts – the request that you write in the request field in ChatGPT. In response, ChatGPT uses collected data on the Internet in numerous databases, model patterns, and advanced human-like language models to generate a response for you. The more precise you write a prompt, the better the result you receive. The tool recommends uploading files and images to receive smarter responses. In this article, we summarize the useful prompts that streamline your way to success in blogging, from the ideas to the content strategy for weeks.

If you are a beginner, you can start with basics and make a prompt – “How to become a popular blogger”:


After that, we suggest going through other advice for advanced bloggers. We recommend starting your prompts with generate, assist, provide, create, summarize, and other verbs. There are no strict rules on how the prompt is written; you can even add all specific details after the comma, one by one.

ChatGPT prompts for Blog Post Ideas

No matter how involved you are in your blog theme, it isn't easy to create quality content several times per day throughout the year. Post-frequency is the main key to success. ChatGPT can give you tons of ideas if you insert the minimum information about your blog and the type of post you require. This tool can also help you organize a posting schedule.

You can define what kind of posts and how many you need to make per day with the following prompt:

  • “Frequency of post making in the Instagram blog regarding interior design.”


Further, you can search for ideas for posts, stories, reels, videos, guides, and other content types applicable to your blog topic.

  • “I am writing about interior design for people with middle income. I need content for weekly stories, 2-3 stories per day.”


  • “Generate 20 ideas for a life-story TikTok blog of a young woman with five kids.”
  • “Provide ideas for interviews for a professional blog on the LinkedIn of a journalist.”
  • “Outline ideas for engaging content in a blog about robotic vacuum cleaners with keywords – Roomba, pet hair, LIDAR, Self-emptying station, smartphone control.”


As you can see, the tone and content of the response depend on the input provided. We suggest inserting keywords that are good for your blog's SEO in your input.

ChatGPT prompts for Keyword Research

If you do not know the keywords that are applicable to your blog, you need to do research first. Keywords are the pillars of search engine optimization that help organically receive traffic from search engines like Google. That means you need to use the right keywords that are commonly used by the audience when they are searching for content. You also may perform your own research to be more familiar with the requests of your target audience and what keywords they type in to write the content relevant to their interests. When you are familiar with your audience and their needs, you can create engaging content for a long-term strategy and make the blog easier to understand. Using keywords, you may perform competitive analysis to reveal opportunities for blog improvement. Keywords should be used in social media posts, promo materials, advertisements, and other parts of your blog.

  • “Make a list of potential keywords for a Facebook blog about vitamins for fitness.”


  • “List the most used keywords when people search for information about robotic pool cleaners.”
  • “Develop a strategy for using keywords for an Instagram blog about interior design.”
  • “Generate a monthly keyword strategy for using in the content for the dropshipper's LinkedIn blog.”


  • “Provide natural words and phrases that can go with keywords – crystal clear, pure water, no acids, energy-efficient, cordless robot cleaner, smart navigation – for a blog about robotic pool cleaners.”

ChatGPT prompts for Title Сreation

As the competition among bloggers is very high, your content should have a catchy title. The title is the first element that readers see from your blog or promotional material. It can push you to read the whole content or scroll further. You can support the reader’s interest with a question, an emotionally driven sentence, unique information (preferably short), use words like “exclusive,” “profitable,” or “new,” use numbers and facts, and the most popular keywords. ChatGPT can generate titles for your blog based on keywords and your content to help you choose titles clearly.

  • “Make a catchy title for a tutorial on how to choose mascara for a woman blog.”


  • “Generate titles for Instagram posts for a fitness blogger for posts about diet, vitamins, fitness watch, exercises for legs and press.”
  • “Make a catchy title for a post about revamps of a 5 sq. m. kitchen in a tiny apartment for a young couple.”
  • “Suggest an SEO-friendly title for posts in a professional dropshipping account in a formal tone on LinkedIn.”
  • “Propose a title with a keyword – fitness vitamins – for a fitness blog as a question to a young audience.”


All titles should be relevant to your blog and unique, without grammar questions, as they will welcome search engine visitors to your blog or website.

ChatGPT prompts for Meta Description

Apart from the meta title in the search engine, results will be reflected in a meta description of your post. A meta description is a short text of about 300 characters shortly describing the content of the post. The meta description should also include relevant keywords and information on how the problem of the reader will be solved. First, the reader estimates the post by title and then proves the understanding if it is worth reading or watching by meta description. That is why meta descriptions are crucial for blog development, and to organize them correctly, ChatGPT can help with wide knowledge.

  • “Create a title and meta description for a post about ceramic kettles for a home décor blog.”
  • “Suggest meta description for a post with the title “How to spend the best time in New York?”


  • “Propose an engaging meta description for blog content, such as “Tutorial for a Dolphin X robotic pool cleaner installation,” using keywords – in-ground swimming pool, easy installation, and no extra support.”


  • “Top hints for creating a meta description for a blog about home plants.”
  • “Propose strategy of title and meta description for improving organic traffic for a blog about women's fitness activities.”

You can request a meta description with a title for already-written content (you can even download it to the ChatGPT) or a generic concept to improve the SEO of current written titles and meta.

ChatGPT prompts for blog post intro

Going further in improving the readability of your blog, you need to make the first paragraph of your post interesting and exciting. The first paragraph is called the post intro. You should impress the readers with this first paragraph and spark their interest for further reading. It is essential not only for engaging the readers but also to improve position in search engine result pages (SERPs). To increase online visibility, you need to include keywords in your plan described in the intro on how to solve a reader’s problem. If you can’t make jokes, do not use storytelling tactics, and can’t write catchy phrases, ChatGPT can help you.

  • “Write the intro for a post with the title “How to spend the best time in New York?” and a meta description “Discover the ultimate guide to exploring New York City! From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, find out how to make the most of your time in the Big Apple with top recommendations, must-see attractions, and local tips.”


  • “Write a funny intro with an anecdote to the post about plastic pet bowls for a blog about pets.”
  • “Suggest tips on how to write excellent intros for interior design blogs.”
  • “Generate an intro for an article about fitness programs for pregnant women after 30.”
  • “Expand my intro of the post about programs replacing paper notes for the blog for managers. “Notes on a piece of paper, mobile phone, or PC is a well-known chaotic method to write a reminder or project plans…”


Nevertheless, we want to emphasize that search engines detect AI-written content and do not fully copy content and paste it into a blog. It is better to rewrite it to look more like human-written.

ChatGPT Prompts for Adding Tone and Voice in Blog Post

Special words and sentence construction, your attitude, style, language, and mood make your blog special, and that is why they stay with a blogger and subscribe. So, why are such parameters essential as well as SEO – keywords, title, and meta description? ChatGPT can help you navigate the process of creating your style from basics to a professional blog.

  • “Advice on the best tone and voice for a robotic pool cleaner blogger website with a lot of guides, comparisons, tutorials, and technical audits of different pool cleaner models.”


  • “Rewrite tone into formal tone for a blog about interior design in the following post….”
  • “Compare the benefits of satire and inspirational voice and tone for a blog about women's beauty products.”


  • “Propose keywords for a blog about robotic pool cleaners for a friendly tone and voice.”
  • “The most popular tone and voice for sports bloggers”.

ChatGPT prompts for blog main content

Step-by-step, after you create an overview of your audience, their problems, your idea of the content, and which tone and voice to choose, you can ask ChatGPT for support in making the post itself. For these posts, you can ask to rewrite or make the title, meta description, and intro or vice-versa from the beginning to the main part. Your post should keep readers till the end, so you can ask ChatGPT for inspiration, suggestions on how to proceed, relevant keywords, or popular search queries related to your topic theme.

  • “Propose a main content strategy for a blog about stick vacuums – a type of posts, frequency, tone, keywords, titles”.


  • “Make a comparison between Roomba j9+ and i5+ models for a blog of technical enthusiasts in robotic pool cleaners with 20+ years of experience. Write in formal language and compare in categories – design, versatility, cleaning abilities, maximum working time, types of brushes, and performance on a hard floor and carpet.”
  • “Write main blog content for seven posts in a blog about women's accessories – jewelry, scarves, and bags. Use keywords such as style, trend, chick, beauty, and modern. The limit for each post without meta is 2000 words”.


  • “What is the main blog content, and how can I make it more engaging for readers of the car accessories blog?”
  • “Generate monthly content for an Instagram beauty blog with keywords X, Y, Z; make three articles per week of about 1000 words, two short posts for photos with women's accessories, and one story-telling about an interesting woman biography”.

ChatGPT prompts for FAQ

A post based on FAQ is a smart way to communicate with subscribers for bloggers. You can use questions that really are asked by the audience or create questions similar to your interests or some facts you want to share. With questions, you can intrigue the audience and motivate them to read your blog further, showing your knowledge and expertise in the area in which you are interested. If you are a beginner or do not have many questions, ChatGPT is a great opportunity to receive authentic questions for your blog.

  • “Create three questions from middle-aged women without high education regarding interior design.”


  • “What questions can be asked by a young guy reading a blog about insects?”
  • “Top 5 popular questions about vitamins for a fitness blog.”
  • “Specify natural questions from readers of a storytelling blog if a young woman with five kids.”
  • “Technical questions from professional cleaners about Dolphin robotic cleaners in a blog of pool enthusiasts with a huge expertise.”


ChatGPT prompts for Conclusion creation

If you have a professional blog with many texts, you need to sum up the main point at the end to be useful for readers and help them remember what they have found out. You can also use a conclusion as a call for action. For more information about strong conclusions, we have asked ChatGPT to help.

  • “Tips for a conclusion in a blog.”


If you are not sure how to implement these tips into your case, you can insert your post/content and ask them to write the conclusion for you.

  • “Please write a call-to-action conclusion to a post about Product A that will include 3000 words. The main text is the following…. “
  • “What is the better ending for a large article about the matching colors in the interior design blog?”


  • “Summarize key points from the post …. to push readers to come back to the main article for intensive discussion in the comments.”
  • “Rewrite the following conclusion …. for the blog about fitness to make it more emotional and add call-to-action to buy new skechers.”

ChatGPT prompts for blog content optimization

Finally, if you are not satisfied with the written content, want to improve it, want to include keywords (defined for your blog by SEO), or want to change the tone but do not know how ChatGPT can help with that as well. ChatGPT can improve grammar and wording and add value to the text by introducing best practices or figures. We call this improving process optimization, but actually, there are many more connected with that. Depending on your needs, you have to adjust the prompts:

  • “Rewrite this tutorial [X] to add more description and product pages of the selling product, to increase the power of call-to-action to buy a product.”
  • “Rewrite the sentence [Using keywords, you may perform competitive analysis to reveal opportunities for blog improvement.] for easy understanding by readers from 11 to 18 years old.”


  • “Integrate into the product description [X] keywords best cleaner, easy maintenance, tangle-free brush for a robotic pool cleaner blog.”
  • “Proofread this content [X] to improve spelling, grammar, typos, capitalization, mistakes, and punctuation.”
  • “Paraphrase the content [Introducing our new mascara: it delivers intense volume, length, and definition with a clump-free formula. The precision brush separates and extends lashes effortlessly while nourishing ingredients like vitamin E ensure healthy lashes. Enjoy long-lasting, smudge-proof wear and a flawless finish for captivating, stunning eyes all day.] to make it unique and unlike AI-written text.”


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to find a popular niche for a blog?

For such research, you may also use ChatGPT by writing the prompt, “List 5 popular niches for a 30-year-old woman, single.”


  1. What is the most important thing for a blogger?

In our opinion, the value of each blogger depends on the type. But in general, you have to be informative and provide regular engaging content. If you are original and provide reliable information with value, the number of your subscribers will only increase. Do not forget to post at least twice to three times per day on competitive social networks like Instagram or TikTok or at least once per week on LinkedIn or Facebook.

  1. Do I have a limitation for the usage of ChatGPT for my blog?

There are no limitations on the number of generated responses and inserted prompts.

  1. How quickly does ChatGPT generate responses to my prompts?

ChatGPT starts generating the response immediately. If it is long, you will see it line by line (like typing).

  1. Where else can I use ChatGPT apart from improving my content for blogging?

You can use ChatGPT to create emails, brainstorm ideas for marketing campaigns, customer support, research activities, long-read summaries, training, and many other personal needs.  


ChatGPT provides unlimited possibilities for bloggers. You can generate responses on your prompts an unlimited number of times, mainly for free. By changing the version of ChatGPT to the most advanced (now it is 4o), the response can look almost human-written with the full knowledge of the Internet. ChatGPT is useful in writing or rewriting content, creating meta descriptions and titles, improving your tone and grammar, adding natural keywords, and many more. The simplicity of prompt creation in the chat interface based on our advice and examples will make this tool a must-have and commonly used in your daily blogging routine. It will help you create ideas for all topics and improve the quality of your content effortlessly. We recommend ChatGPT Prompts for bloggers to increase the number of subscribers enormously!

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