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AI LinkedIn Post Generator

AI LinkedIn Post Generator is a tool designed to quickly create professional and engaging posts for LinkedIn. It generates content that captures the attention of your target audience and boosts your visibility on the professional network. The tool allows you to set the type of content, target audience, and language, making it ideal for various business objectives.

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AI LinkedIn Post Generator - Overview

LinkedIn as other social networks value authors with regular posting more, you definitely want to be successful in the social network with over 1 billion members from all over the world. All owners of social network pages have at least once faced the situation of a lack of inspiration to write a new post. To escape the stress of searching for ideas for a content calendar, the solution is found – AI-powered tools help to write posts on LinkedIn without challenges. AI-generated posts can also receive up to 35% more distribution within LinkedIn and 30% more engagement. These AI tools provide a unified solution to save time and money, attract more audiences, and grow faster. 

All AI for LinkedIn posts is based on a chatbot trained by reading millions of posts on this social network and across the whole Internet. It generates human-like responses in seconds based on the inputs it has learned from the Internet. You can use the AI tools not only to write the full post but also to create ideas or rewrite captions for all topics of interest to you. One of the good examples of AI tools for LinkedIn is Jadve. It has patented logic for generation posts that fit all standards of the social network. Moreover, you can edit the post after generation; there will be no references to the tool you have used. Further in the article, we will describe the tool and its advantages in detail.

How to use the AI LinkedIn Post Generator?

Like other Jadve products, the AI LinkedIn Post Generator requires minimum input information for AI post generation. Nevertheless, if you want, the more detailed your request will be, the more specific post you will receive. On the official website for post generation, the tool you need:

  1. Fill in the content field. The topics of your posts are unlimited. Depending on your social page theme, AI can create posts on keywords such as career hints, how to find a job or industry updates. 
  2. Describe the target audience. Here, you are not limited in your choice; you can combine descriptions of several groups of people, such as young engineers and managers or professional electricians and mechanics. 
  3. Choose the language. The tool creates posts in more than 25 languages, including English, German, French, Swedish, Turkish, and Russian. By default, the post is generated in English.
  4. Press the “Generate” button. The post-generation takes several seconds. You can press the button unlimitedly with the same subject, and each time, you will receive new results.

The first and second fields are mandatory; without filling them, the AI LinkedIn Post Generator is not able to provide the result. Also, the result depends on the ChatGPT version; the 4o version is set by default. You can choose ChatGPT 4o (the most advanced), 4 (the newest), or 3.5 (for everyday tasks). All users (even those who are not registered) can change the Jadve account language—14 languages are available. 

You can generate the post for free without registration, but you will have three attempts per day. Registration is possible per Telegram account or email. Each registered user receives 4000 tokens for free. For more options, you need to upgrade your subscription. In an upgraded subscription, you will receive up to 100.000 tokens per day, faster responses, and PRO Chat models. For more detailed information, please check the official website. 

The generated results always look like professional posts with the name or topic, reference, and text (could be split per bullet points), useful tips, calls for action, and hashtags. For example, for our request – “young project managers” and “industry insights” in English – we received a unique post with 189 words. The AI generator generated the following hashtags for us: #ProjectManagement #IndustryInsights #YoungProfessionals #CareerDevelopment. Also, it gives us a helpful tip regarding the target audience: “Young project managers seeking to enhance their skills, stay informed about industry trends, and accelerate their career growth in the field of project management.”

Advantages of AI LinkedIn Post Generator

You have already seen how easy it works with the Jadve post generator; we want to highlight further other advantages of this tool:

  • The tool is free and does not require registration if you decide to test it. 
  • The post can be created by inserting just two words – one for the audience and one for content.
  • The generated posts are unique and free from plagiarism. You can create unlimited posts with one keyword, and all will be exclusive.
  • All created posts are based on LinkedIn's top-performing post formats. They are informative and engaging, with bullet points for easy reading and a call to action. The posts are well-structured and use emojis and hashtags—suitable for all types of audiences.
  • By changing the tone of content and audience description, you are setting the tone of a generated post. You can create informative posts for a new business release or special event. 
  • By adding your keywords to the content description, you can boost your SEO strategy, as these keywords will be used in the generated post.
  • All generated posts fit the LinkedIn limit of not more than 3,000 characters per post. The main information is included in the first 25 words, as LinkedIn displays in the main feed, not more than 25 words (140 characters). But if the first generated post is too long for you, you can generate another. The repetitive posts have different lengths.  


We are sure that you will see how many benefits you received from Jadve's LinkedIn Post Generator. It is very easy to work, and a free subscription allows you to create your calendar posting plan for weeks. All posts are based only on your short description of content and audience. Unfortunately, some websites check if the post is generated by AI or human-written. This tool, like all the others, can’t always hide from such checkers. We recommend combining human-written posts with posts generated by Jadve. Some specialists for LinkedIn promotion propose the 4-1-1 rule, which means you can share four posts of others, one post about yourself, and one post about your organization. So, whatever model you choose for your blog management, LinkedIn Post Generator will be a helper. We definitely recommend you try this AI Post Generator – it creates ideal posts for LinkedIn and costs nothing!